Credit Cards
Your credit card is never given to Whybidmore. All payments are securely processed using Paypal.
E-mail Addresses
When you submit your order we ask you for your e-mail address in the form. Our secure server cannot capture this information off your computer. It is important to include your e-mail address so we can reply with your order confirmation. We do have a mailing list (see below) which you can join if you want to receive discounts and special offers. We respect our customers and do not send out spam or divulge email addresses (see below for more information on spam).
Shipping Addresses
Your shipping address is contained in your account for the sole purpose of shipping your items to you. We do not resell any information pertaining to our users.
Mailing List
We do maintain a mailing list of customers who would like to receive information about the sales and promotions at Whybidmore. Our mailing list is used to provide our regular customers with our newsletter which is published only a few times a year. You may request to be placed on our mailing list if you would like to receive our newsletters and notification of any special discounts. If you want your name removed from the newsletter mailing list, just reply and ask to be removed and we will do so. If you change your email address or want notifications sent to additional addresses, we will gladly update your information or add the additional addresses. (See below for more information on spam)
Fraud or Dishonest Transactions
Our business does not have the resources to absorb fraudulent transactions. We will prosecute anyone who tries to defraud Whybidmore.
Unsolicited Spam email
If you receive an email from an address that is not an invoice, delivery confirmation, reply or a subscription newsletter, it is not from us. We respect our customers and do not send out spam or divulge email addresses. Spammers use “robot” machines or “address miners” to surf the web and find the return address of legitimate businesses then use that return address to send out spam so they can get past the spam filters. Spammers also purchase and sell mailing lists with hundreds of thousands of email addresses and if you received one of their emails, your email address is most certainly on one of their lists. The laws protecting businesses and consumers from this practice has not caught up with the technology and much of the spam originates from servers in third world countries where US laws and authorities have no jurisdiction. Spammers don’t care how they make their money or who they hurt. The email addresses of our customers can not be remotely accessed and are safe with us. When we send out an email, we use our true return address and a reply our emails comes directly to us. If you are still in doubt if an email came from us or not, please send us an email at and we will be glad to let you know if we sent it or not. We apologize if you have received mail that is not from us.